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Constitution packs a real punch:opinion piece published in the Mail and Guardian

Fourteen years ago, our freely elected representatives adopted the Constitution – in part – to “free the potential of each person”, “[h]eal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights”. So it is strange that Jimmy Manyi – president of the Black Management Forum (BMF) and Director-General of Labour – asks why it seems “that the Constitution does not support the transformation agenda of this country”. On the contrary, transformation lies at the heart of the constitution, and is its raison d’être.

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Corruption has created its own political economy

On the edges of Dieplsoot stands a half complete municipal building. Once intended as a library and offices, it has been surrendered to decay before it even came to life. A few years ago it seemed to symbolise a governmental intent to recognise and modernise Diepsloot. Now it’s just an unexplained shell. A free brick and building parts store.

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